• Technical Monuments. Mills

    Czech Republic  2001.10.09

    In issue: Stamp(s): 2   

    Issued in: sheets of 50 stamps

    Printable Version

  • Number by catalogue:  Michel: 305   Yvert: 287   Scott: 3157  

    Perforation type: 11 ½x11 ½


    9 crowns. Windmill in Kuzelov*



    *A Dutch-style stone windmill stands in Kuželov (Hodnotín district). The conical stone structure supports a rotating shingle roof in the shape of an eighteen-sided pyramid. The original machinery of the mill takes up three floors.

    The Kuželov mill was built in 1842. Grain was ground there until the end of the First World War, and in 1946 the mill stopped work altogether. The technical museum in Brno had it restored in 1973.

    In this moment mill is use as a museum


    FDC of issue is here

    Topics: Windmills

  • Number by catalogue:  Michel: 306   Yvert: 288   Scott: 3158  

    Perforation type: 11 ½x11 ½


    14,4 crowns. Watermill in Strehom*



    *The timbered water mill in the parish of Střehom (Mladá Boleslav district) was probably built in 1516. It still represents one of the best preserved examples of an old Czech mill. The main room of the mill, including machinery, still survives. The building has many valuable structural details and a top-fed mill wheel.


    FDC of issue is here

    Topics: Watermills