• Millennium. Highlights of the 12th Century

    Lesotho  1999.12.31

    In issue: Stamp(s): 17    Sheet(s): 1   

    Printing: offset

    Issued in: sheets of 17 stamps and 1 label with designed fields

    Printable Version

  • Number by catalogue:  Michel: 1574   Yvert: 1557   Scott: 1221m  

    Perforation type: 12 ½x12 ½


    1.5 maloti. First pivot windmill, 1180*



    *Windmills with vertical axles were first built in Iran, or what was known as Persia, at the first of the 9th century. In 1180 horizontal axle windmills were used in The Netherlands and other northwestern European countries.



    This information is from www.GreenLiving.com


    Size (of sheet, booklet) mm: 162x236

    Topics: Windmills