Centenary of The Old Town Museum

    Denmark  2009.01.07

    In issue: Stamp(s): 4    Souvenir sheet(s): 1    Booklet(s): 2   

    Printing: offset

    Issued in: sheets of 40 and booklets of 10 stamps (2 first stamps)

  • Perforation type: 13x13 ¼


    5.5 крон. Одна из улиц Старого Города* с видом на Особняк Минтмастера (Mintmaster's Mansion)** и ветряную мельницу, расположенную за ним на возвышенности

  • Perforation type: 13x13 ¼


    Booklet including 10 stamps

  • Perforation type: 13x13 ¼


    Souvenir sheet including all 4 stamps of set.
    The issue also exists as a limited edition blackprint***


    *The Old Town in Aarhus, Denmark is an open-air village museum consisting of 75 historical buildings collected from 20 townships in all parts of the country. In 1914 the museum opened for the first time as the world's first open-air museum of its kind and to this day it remains one of just a few top rated Danish museums outside Copenhagen serving some 3.5 million visitors pr. year.

    The museum buildings are organized into a small village of chiefly half-timbered structures originally erected between 1550 and the late 1800s in various parts of the country and later moved to Aarhus during the 1900s. In all there are some 27 rooms, chambers or kitchens, 34 workshops, 10 groceries or shops, 5 historical gardens, a post office, a customs office, a school and a theatre.

    The village itself is the main attraction but most buildings are open for visitors; rooms are either decorated in the original historical style or organized into larger exhibits of which there are 5 regular with varying themes. There are several groceries, diners and workshops spread throughout the village with museum staff working in the roles of typical village figures i.e. merchant, blacksmith etc. adding to the illusion of a "living" village.

    **The Mintmaster's Mansion now is the pride of the Old Town. Originally located in Borgergade, Copenhagen, it was dismantled during extensive clearances in the 1940s and hidden away in a shed in the cemetery of Vestre Kirkegеrd. Here it lay for 50 years, until Copenhagen Municipality transferred the building components to the Old Town. In the years from 1998 to 2000, museum guests could watch craftsmen gradually re-erecting the Mintmaster's Mansion, which is now the only remaining large half-timbered building from old Copenhagen – all the others were either burnt down or demolished.


    Size (of sheet, booklet) mm: 151x70